Security & Privacy Made Simple
The CHeKT solution has overcome a security and privacy issue that has plagued the video monitoring industry since its inception. The current inadequate solution for accessing customer’s videos remotely is comprised of port forwarding information on a customer’s router and using a default or standard username and password across the board. This is done so integrators can manage increasing numbers of cameras they support. While this solution seems convenient, in reality, it is a security and privacy nightmare because it opens the customer’s video to unauthorized access by a current or former employee. This can be done without either the customer’s or employer’s knowledge.
In addition to the port forwarding, an installation company could never ensure the client’s privacy. With the CHeKT Avatar feature, when a camera is marked “Private” an operator will only see an avatar in the operator portal. If the client chooses, they can permit the operator to see the full video at the time of an alarm.
Our solution is simple. Using a network protocol on our Bridge, the camera will automatically connect to the CHeKT cloud. This connection requires no port forwarding on the customer’s router.
Instead, an installer will use the CHeKT installer app to connect and configure the camera to the panel, the internet, and cloud.
Once the installation is complete the installer will transfer access of the video stream to the customer. Once this transfer is complete, the installer will instantly and permanently lose access to the camera. At the same time, the customer will have access to view their camera. Going forward any access to this video must be done through the CHeKT cloud from the central station.
If the customer’s video is accessed for any reason, the customer will always be notified through the end user app. Everyone accessing cameras through the CHeKT cloud will be completely accountable, with oversight and notifications done directly by the customer.