As communities continue to grow, cities across the United States are implementing new false alarm ordinances to improve public safety. One of the most critical measures is requiring video alarm verification before dispatching police to alarm activations. This measure ensures that police resources are utilized efficiently and that there is a fast and timely response to confirmed alarms. Police departments are facing increasing demands on their resources and the strain of responding to false alarms must be addressed.

Video Verification False Alarm OrdinancesAlarm systems are an essential aspect of crime prevention in residential and commercial properties, but false alarms can be costly and dangerous. False alarms can take up precious police resources and time, causing delays in responding to actual emergencies. Moreover, it can result in fines and penalties for property owners and alarm monitoring centers.

To combat these issues, more cities are implementing ordinances that require video alarm verification to confirm a crime is in progress before the police are dispatched. Video alarm verification adds an extra layer of protection to traditional alarm monitoring systems, upgrading them to video alarm systems. With CHeKT’s solution, the system sends a video of the alarm activation directly to the monitoring center, giving them visual confirmation of a crime.

CHeKT Visual Security: The Key to Complying with Expanding City Ordinances

The CHeKT system allows the monitoring center to visual verify the alarm and review live video monitoring before notifying the police. This feature helps in avoiding false alarms and reducing the workload of law enforcement. When an alarm is verified, the police can respond with the necessary resources and provide a timely response, enhancing public safety.

With video alarm verification, police officers can arrive on the scene with more information about the situation they are facing. This allows them to respond more effectively and with greater situational awareness. It also reduces the risk of officers being dispatched to false alarms, which can be a waste of their valuable time and resources.

The benefits of video alarm verification extend beyond preventing false alarms. It also provides stored visual evidence of criminal activity, which is crucial in investigations and criminal proceedings. The video footage can help identify suspects and provide valuable information to law enforcement agencies.

Benefits for Customers:

  • Increased peace of mind and sense of security
  • Fewer false alarms, reducing the risk of fines or fees
  • Fast and effective response in the event of a true emergency
  • Lower risk of property damage or loss due to quick police response
  • Ability to remotely monitor their property in real-time through video footage


Benefits for Police Officers:

  • Faster and more informed response to emergencies
  • Reduced risk of false alarms, freeing up resources for genuine emergencies
  • Increased situational awareness due to access to video footage
  • Improved relationships with the community due to more effective and efficient response times
  • Lower risk of officer injury or harm due to reduced response times and increased awareness of the situation


CHeKT’s Visual Security solution enhances traditional alarm monitoring, ensuring that the monitoring center and the police department receive confirmation of a crime in progress. It eliminates false alarms, reduces the workload of law enforcement, and provides visual evidence of criminal activity. CHeKT’s solution is an essential tool in complying with expanding city ordinances that require video alarm verification before police dispatch.

Video alarm verification is now required by many city ordinances and it’s expanding across the country. CHeKT’s solution is an excellent option for upgrading traditional alarm monitoring systems to video alarm systems. The benefits of video alarm verification are undeniable, and it enhances public safety by ensuring a fast and timely response to confirmed alarms. With CHeKT’s video alarm verification, property owners, alarm monitoring centers, and law enforcement agencies can work together to prevent crime effectively.

If you are interested in upgrading your alarm system to a video alarm system, contact one of our CHeKT service providers in your area.

CHeKT Visual Security Service Provider